

Test your know­ledge on nutrition, heal­­th, life­style, ill­nes­ses and ail­ments.

‘Test yourself’ is a summary of the common thread through all the books that master the. do it natural .- method. Some people don't like to read a whole book. ‘Test yourself’ aims to provide a solution. It is an introduction to a healthier lifestyle without immediately overwhelming you with a lot of theoretical knowledge.

Thanks to self-tests you get in a playful way insight into your general knowledge and answers to your most pressing questions about nutrition, health, emotional well-being, lifestyle habits, natural skincare and your genetic orientation. Get started with ‘Test yourself’ and discover today how knowledgeable you are about the impact of your diet and lifestyle habits on your health and aging process.



  • Nathalie G.

    Health is child's play thanks to Test Your­self. You learn a­bout Char­lize's. do it natural .- method in a play­ful way, with­­out ha­­ving to work your way through end­­less pie­­ces of text.

  • David P.

    Test Yourself is an intro­duction to a new life, a glimpse into a bet­­ter world. This book con­tains as many ans­wers as ques­­tions - and that's say­ing some­thing!

  • Pascale W.

    Confronting, but with a higher purpose: to give the first impe­tus to a healthier and hap­pier exis­tence.


do it natural series