
do it natural

Genetics & Personality consult

Discover what your genes reveal about your personality.

'Who am I?'

'Who am I?' is an important existential question. Not only is your fingerprint, the iris of your eyes and the structure of the blood vessels in your wrists unique, but also your genetic orientation can only be found in you. Natural science knows your emotional disposition, which foods suit you, how you live and which health problems are specific to your genetic type. If you have enough self-knowledge, you can blossom beautifully as a human being and mean a lot to yourself, your loved ones and others. Also good com­muni­cation, sus­taina­ble ex­ternal relation­ships and fin­­ding your place in so­ciety,... it all goes better after gene­tic tes­ting. 

Genetic research

Genetic testing relies on natural science-based research. You find out what your genetic orientation is, and to what extent you strayed from the person you were supposed to be according to your genes. This could happen under the influence of your social environment, the demands and expectations during your upbringing or other factors. If you are not balanced, it is difficult to build a successful and happy life.

Genetics book

Once the results of your research are known, you will find tailored advice for your genetic orientation in the Genetics book. You'll find out what diet, health and lifestyle suits you and discover which Bach Flower Remedies will keep you emotionally balanced.

Areas of application
  • Relationship and partnership
  • Raising children
  • Education
  • Occupational profile
  • Work relationships: the leaders, the followers, the thinkers, the doers
  • Leaders: positive / negative qualities, structure, planning, communication, common sense, creative, perseverance, empathetic, vision, conflict management, problem analysis
  • Consultants, Health Professionals,... Offer the genetic profile and current personality research as an extra package to your clients, be able to understand your clients better with it and give them more focused advice
  • Organization: in modern business, more and more attention is paid to the importance of the managerial staff. The results of genetic research also play an unmistakable role here. Managers, advisors, process counsellors, trainers, coaches, leaders, etc. only function well if they know themselves thoroughly and are able to develop their capacities on the basis of their genetic orientation


  • Claire W.

    I was really pleased reading my genetic results. What star­ted as a fun gene­tic con­sult, finished as a deep and in­sight­ful look at my every­day life, work and rela­tion­ships. You rea­l­ly did a good job in your re­search!! Thanks a lot!!!

  • An D.

    Thank you for hel­ping me under­­stand my per­sona­lity, which has contri­­buted to my life and rela­tion­­ships a lot. Much appre­­cia­ted!

  • Linda R.

    Really use­ful infor­mation. My son pas­sed the test. Now I under­stand how to com­muni­cate with him bet­­ter and how to use pe­culia­rities of his per­so­na­lity for his growth as a per­son.

  • Michael P.

    This genetic research is really accurate and good to learn more deeply about ourselves. I gained a lot of information about myself thus it makes me become more confident in myself. I realised that I have so much potential. Bless Charlize for this.

  • Marc S.

    Your genetic research is a godsend for me in my role as a Learning & Development Advisor, helping me to build high performing teams in local government.

  • Rita V.

    Amazing. The insights I obtained about why I do some of the seemingly crazy things I do are invaluable. I feel less isolated, knowing there are many others facing the challenges that come with my personality type.

  • Nancy K.

    The personality assessment was spot-on! It nailed my strengths and faults to a T. It was so good that my husband took one for himself and, surprise, it was correct as well.

  • Jean S.

    I really enjoyed learning more about my personality type. It helped me understand some traits better and identify other traits that I didn’t pay attention to before.

  • Catherine L.

    Your results matched me 100%! I’m amazed and at the same time thankful. Thanks for doing all the hard work to make this available for us!

  • Hans N.

    Taking the personality test and learning from my profile has been a game changer. I am looking forward to looking at my wife's so we can improve our relationship and our family life.