
do it natural

My vision

Natural anti-aging, and staying healthy in times of chemical dominance and pollution.

do it natural for you
  • Let me help you achieve your goals. The. do it natural .- method .seeks solutions primarily in nature. The method relies on the principles of the holistic laws of nature, the innate genetic temperament, natural medicine, environmentally conscious living, spirituality and the power of positive thinking. 
  • It is an innovative lifestyle that combats disease and aging, promotes rejuvenation and emotional well-being, and values people, animals and the environment. My books promote natural selfcare without having to give up the comforts of the Western lifestyle. 
  • I advise you on nutrition, dietary supplements, a smart healthy lifestyle, natural cosmetics, emotional well-being and spirituality. I help you treat illnesses and ailments with natural remedies - such as herbal medicine, flower essences, aromatherapy, homeopathy, gemstone therapy, cell salt therapy, gemmotherapy and natural painkillers.
My vision


Health is much more than the absence of disease

Being truly healthy is not just the absence of disease but, above all, having a positive vitality.

The answer lies in nature

I believe that the closer we are to nature, the healthier and more balanced we become. All my recommendations will therefore focus on the most natural solution available.

A holistic approach

Our body cannot be separated from our mind and emotions. A fundamental truth is the saying 'a healthy body in a healthy mind and vice versa'.


At a time when modern technology and environmental pollution play a major role in degrading our health, natural healing methods are vital. Most of us now live in a sea of electromagnetic pollution, coupled with an abundance of chemical pollutants that were completely unknown to humans 40 years ago. Add to this the daily dose of denatured food, and we have an ideal mix that will cause health problems. In short, most people have too much of what they shouldn't have in their bodies and not enough of what they should.

Prevention is the key

Chinese philosophy quotes, 'A doctor who treats a disease is a mediocre doctor. A physician who prevents disease is a superior physician.' Poor food choices and lifestyle are a silent threat to your health and well-being. By letting you know how you can start removing toxins from your body today and helping you with stress management, you can minimize your risk of health problems and chronic diseases in the future and also slow down your aging process.

Do no harm

We can live per­fect­ly heal­thy and happy li­ves with­out har­ming an­im­als and the en­­viron­ment.

Never try to substitute medical advice

Think of naturopathy as a complementary treatment when you are sick.

There is always more to learn

I attend a large number of lectures and seminars each year to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of natural health and pollution'related diseases.

My mission

To give you insight, strength and confidence so you can make the right choices in your daily life to achieve your optimal state of well-being, happiness and vitality. You will better understand nature, yourself, and the health professionals who guide you and love yourself, your body and value the promptings of your intuition all the more.