

Find out what your genes tell you about your personality.

'Who am I?' is an important existential question. Not only is your fingerprint, the iris of your eyes and the structure of the blood vessels in your wrists unique, but also your genetic orientation can only be found in you. Natural science knows your emotional disposition, which foods suit you, how you live and which health problems are specific to your genetic type. If you have enough self-knowledge, you can blossom beautifully as a human being and mean a lot to yourself, your loved ones and others. Also good communication, sustainable external relationships and finding your place in society,... it all goes better after genetic testing.


  • Relationship and partnership
  • Raising children
  • Education
  • Occupational profile
  • Work relationships: the leaders, the followers, the thinkers, the doers
  • Leaders: positive / negative qualities, structure, planning, communication, common sense, creative, perseverance, empathetic, vision, conflict management, problem analysis




  • Annick T.

    Zelfkennis is het begin van alle wijsheid: ontdek de persoonlijkheid die schuilgaat in jouw genen en geef je leven een positieve wending.

  • Jan VD B.

    Geen hoogdravende wetenschappelijke theorieën, wel verstaanbare uitleg op mensenmaat, duidelijke zelfzorgtips en concrete leefregels.


do it natural - series

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