What to expect


01. Intake Interview

The intake includes a full intake of your health history. We will discuss your major ailments and diseases, your health goals, your diet and your relationship with food. Your lifestyle, any stress and mood swings, sleep patterns, emotional well-being and much more. I recommend that you have a general blood test prior to this consult.

02. Health Check

Staying healthy in times of environmental pollution is the challenge of our time. If you haven't already done so, I recommend that you take a general blood test prior to this consultation. We will review the results together and discuss natural solutions that offer good long-term results.

03. Detox Plan

Detoxify your body daily to maintain your health and slow down your aging process. We'll assess how well your organs are functioning and discuss a customized detox plan to re-energize your organs and keep them healthy. For smokers and ex-smokers this includes the respiratory system. For drinkers this includes the liver. For restaurant eaters e.g. the bile, the liver. For fish eaters e.g. the brain and nervous system.

04. Nutrition Advice

You'll get answers to everything you've always wanted to know about nutrition, food packaging, cooking methods, fresh food preservation, as well as how to prevent your exposure to toxic foods, dietary recom­mendations, sup­ple­ments and a shopping list.

05. Weight Control

Our modern sedentary lifestyle, combined with habits of overeating, stress and very poor food choices has led to an epidemic of obesity and health problems. You won't get a diet, just simple nutrition tips that will give long term results so you can stay at your feel-good weight forever.

06. Holistic Lifestyle 0 Advice

Staying young and healthy is an active and holistic process that hinges on your lifestyle. Possibly your lifestyle habits are accelerating your aging process and harming your health. Small changes in the way you live, eat, think mean a world of difference in the short and long term.

07. Bach Consult

Because emotions are often at the root of many ailments and (chronic) diseases, your emotional well-being is an important part of the holistic approach to health. For more than 70 years, Bach Flower Remedies have been proving their worth for emotional problems such as sleep problems, anxiety disorders, ADHD, sadness, guilt, difficulty concentrating, lethargy, etc. These natural remedies are safe, harmless, without the slightest chance of side effects, overdose or addiction. Blossom remedies are also compatible with other medications or treatments, including homeopathy. I teach you how to make your own remedies according to the emotions that come to you.

08. Natural Remedies

Naturopathic selfcare, or complementary holistic health care, helps you restore balance to your body and mind. Discover the 11 therapies you can apply at home for the 65 most common conditions. The insights will give you strength and confidence, and you will better understand the health professionals who guide you as well as respect and value the promptings of your intuition.

09. Skincare Advice

Topics we cover: your genetic skin type, natural solutions to skin conditions, slowing skin aging, the effects of your skincare products on your skin and health, skin de­toxi­fication.

10. Anti-Aging Advice

With a customized plan, I'll help you get to an anti-aging lifestyle that keeps you healthy, slows down your aging process and suits you. To do this, we look at your genetic disposition and your lifestyle habits.


  • Paula D.

    My two children have. allergies. I'm used to going to doctors with them often be­cause they just can't get rid of them. But it's exhausting for them, my life and my family. So I thought I would try a different approach: a more natural lifestyle. When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, Charlize is a true expert. Her recom­men­dations are easy to follow, very logical and you get back in control of your life

  • Richard L.

    To say that Charlize Snoox changed my life as well as my entire kitchen and bathroom is a total understatement. I was 30 kg. overweight .when I met her, due to frequent business dinners. I was divorced and con­veniently only ate out. Fortu­nately, with Charlize's VIP Consulting, this changed. I went. from heavy and lethargic to energetic, from ignorant and depen­dent on the pharma­ceutical system to a self-sufficient health expert. I am happier now. I no longer see healthy habits as a ‘job’ but as. quality time for myself.

  • Kim T.

    I'm already heavily into health myself but I'm a perfectionist and wanted to know all of Charlize's tricks. Going shopping with Charlize for my. anti-aging lifestyle .was blissful. Fin­ally some­one to guide me through the orga­nic store, and point out the smartest foods. Charlize has im­proved my out­look on ‘healthy living’ a lot. I am a big fan of her and her. 'do it natural' .method. All those anti-aging tips are so easy and logical. After 3 - 4 months I saw a clear difference: my skin is now fresher and with a healthy blush, my hair fuller, my skin calmer,.... Thank you Charlize!

  • Ellen D.

    I love Charlize's ho­listic ap­proach; especially for my. emo­tional well-being, as I am. high sensitive ­­­ and easily over­whelmed. Thanks to her recipes with flo­wer remedies, me­ditation techniques and spir­itual insights, I now live a much more relaxed life. Her overall approach is thorough and was exactly what I needed.

  • Chloe V.

    I am a. city person .who goes shopping a lot, likes to pamper myself at the hairdresser, nail salon, tanning salon, and eats out a lot. .But in recent years, the results of my annual blood check were not good. I had. liver problems .and so I lowered my. alcohol intake .- but when I'm not drinking, I'm not much of a social person. .I had been following Charlize on social media for a while and her natural look intrigued me. Her. do it natural .- approach seemed like a step in the right direction. She gave me a deeper understanding of how health, beauty and feeling good starts from the inside out. I already knew this, but you can take this literally. You are the sum of your daily intake of chemicals, nutrients and detoxification both physically and emotionally. I am so grateful for her help.

  • Christoph S.

    I admit that I do not have the most healthy lifestyle. The daily detox is necessary with me because of. weight and skin problems. Charlize immediately made sure that my most stressed organs, were also included in the detox plan. I now eat much healthier and have already lost some of my excess weight. The only thing I still do is .smoke , but I'm going to stop that too. So Charlize also gave me nutrition tips and supplements to detoxify and strengthen my respiratory system. Her philosophy shows that the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of yourself, your diet and your health are one. Learned a lot from her.

  • Suzanne O.

    I love Charlize's. anti-aging lifestyle . Everyone around me is doing botox and fillers, but I'm not comfortable with that. Those cosmetic products that they inject are pretty close to your brain, your nose, eyes, throat... But I don't want to wrinkle either and so I met up with Charlize. She said, "If you apply my advice daily to a minimum of four days a week, you will have your radiant skin back after 3.5 months. That's the time your skin has been renewed three to four times. And even though nobody knows that you changed your habits, you will suddenly get spontaneous positive reactions from the people you hang out with, that you look so ‘good’. And because it's natural, you'll be beaming, too. And indeed, I am now happily back that younger version of myself.

  • Thibaut C.

    After a game, I got to know about Char­lize's so­cial media in the club­­house and, with­out exag­­geration, was im­­pres­sed with her know­ledge. I did want to know more and I thought it would be more fun to take her 8 - consul­­­tations pack­­­age, rather than read all her books. I now under­stand how much my life­style ha­bits (nutrition, health and lifestyle) impact. on my body, my mental and .ath­le­tic performance. I am now more fo­cu­sed during my com­­peti­­tions and less. stressed. 

  • Kathy V.

    Charlize's approach is amazing and has changed. my whole outlook on nutri­tion, health and the aging pro­cess . Her. do it natural .- method I now do with the whole family.

  • Kurt B.

    Thanks to Charlize, my. hair loss .has stopped. Everyone should have a one-on-one with her. It's 8 - days that changed the rest of your life.